About Infinite Legacy

Infinite Legacy Concept is the financial strategy used by the wealthiest families,
companies, and the political elite to protect and grow their wealth.

Infinite Legacy Concept

At its most basic level, the Infinite Legacy Concept is about saving up your money and being your own bank. We show you how to use a special type of financial account that puts your money outside of the government and Wall Street’s control. This account safely maximizes your returns and gives you dozens of additional wealth-building benefits.

Set up properly, you don’t have to report your Infinite Bank account to the Canada Revenue Agency. In most circumstances your account is creditor proof and can’t be touched, this money is protected from lawsuits and divorce settlements. Yet you can access your money 100% tax-free anytime you like.

The financial elite has used this strategy successfully for over 100 years and it was once a primary savings vehicle. Since the mid-1970s, however, financial planners have pushed the Wall Street promise so heavily that most people don’t even know what the Infinite Banking Concept is.
This strategy has proven so powerful. It has become a tax shelter for the rich… it gives the affluent tax advantages far beyond those available to middle-income people through an RRSP.

The amazing thing is, you don’t need to be rich to benefit…

How You Can Benefit

Even though Infinite Legacy is primarily used by the ultra-wealthy, you don’t need to be rich to use this system yourself. You can get started with a plan as small as $200/month.

Of course, the more money you can put into it, the more you’ll benefit. If you would like to see what a customized plan would look like for your own circumstance feel free to book a free consultation.

Infinite Banking helps you create Real, Lasting Wealth… Automatically

Key Benefits of the Infinite Banking Concept


Deposits you make into your Infinite Bank policy never lose value. A portion of all of the money in your account is safe from lawsuits. Your account is a contract, so you know exactly what your guaranteed returns are. And since this is a private contract, it is not regulated like government-sponsored retirement plans.


Access cash for any purpose using easy, quick access loans, while your balance continues to grow. These loans from your bank are private, do not have a specific payback period, and do not require a credit check.



Your wealth grows automatically as your account enjoys tax-favored growth and takes full advantage of compounding interest. The steady, guaranteed return historically averages around 6%


When it comes to retirement … we all want to dream big! If retirement savings alone aren’t enough to make our retirement dreams a reality, the Preferred Retirement Solution can help.
Some life insurance policies have cash value you can access. Use it as collateral for a tax-free bank loan to supplement your retirement income. Unlike traditional loans, the debt is repaid using the proceeds from the life insurance policy.

How to make Infinite Banking Concept Work for you

Get a FREE, personal, one on one, no-obligation 30-minutes strategy session. You’ll discover how the Infinite Banking strategy can work within your current situation to help you become financially free.

Get your free 30-minutes meeting 

How to make Infinite Legacy Concept Work for you

Get a FREE, personal, one on one, no obligation 30 minute strategy session. You’ll discover how the Infinite Banking strategy can work within your current situation to help you become financially free.

Get your Free 30 minute meeting