Get a FREE, One on One Strategy Session to Explore How You Can Benefit from Infinite Banking

See if Infinite Banking is right for you. We’ll answer all your questions and show you how to
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Schedule your FREE 30 minute strategy session

You’ll discover how the Infinite Banking strategy can work within your current situation.

We tailor each Infinite Banking Concept system according to your own unique situation.

Our team of Infinite Banking specialists will work with you to determine the best plan of action for you, based on your current resources and investment goals.

You don’t need more risk for higher returns…
You need a smarter system

Here’s how it works:


Deposits you make into your Infinite Bank policy never lose value. A portion of all of the money in your account is safe from lawsuits. Your account is a contract, so you know exactly what your guaranteed returns are. And since this is a private contract, it is not regulated like government-sponsored retirement plans.


Access cash for any purpose using easy, quick access loans, while your balance continues to grow. These loans from your bank are private, do not have a specific payback period, and do not require a credit check.


Your wealth grows automatically as your account enjoys tax-favored growth and takes full advantage of compounding interest. The steady, guaranteed return historically averages around 6%


When it comes to retirement … we all want to dream big! If retirement savings alone aren’t enough to make our retirement dreams a reality, the Preferred Retirement Solution can help.
Some life insurance policies have cash value you can access. Use it as collateral for a tax-free bank loan to supplement your retirement income. Unlike traditional loans, the debt is repaid using the proceeds from the life insurance policy.


Ask someone if they want to leave a legacy after they’re gone, and they’ll almost assuredly answer yes. Ask someone if they know how to go about accomplishing such a benevolent task, and they’ll probably say, “I have no idea.” You might be surprised to learn there’s a simple solution: your life insurance policy.
The payout from a life insurance policy (called a death benefit) can be a legacy that far outlasts your time on Earth. And it’s not only for people who want to leave a legacy to their spouse and children. So if you think life insurance isn’t for your particular situation, think again. A life insurance policy can change many different people’s lives, or even entire communities after you’re gone.

Get a FREE, personal, one on one, no-obligation 30-minutes strategy session.