You acknowledge that the Owner collects and uses personal information for purposes of providing the services described on this site.

The Owner is committed to respecting the privacy and confidentiality of information in accordance with applicable law. The Owner has established and will continue to maintain appropriate safeguards to protect the security and confidentiality of personal information. However, you acknowledge and confirm that the Internet is not a secure medium where privacy and confidentiality can be guaranteed and that complete security and confidentiality of transmissions to and from this site over the Internet is not possible at this time. Your confidential use of the site cannot be guaranteed and you acknowledge that your use of the site (including information you transmit to the site) may be subject to access or manipulation by, or disclosure to, third parties.

Without limiting any other disclaimer herein, neither the Owner nor any third party shall be responsible or liable for any damages that you or any other person may suffer in connection with any such breach of privacy, confidentiality, or security.

If you are provided with a user name and password to access any part of this site, you agree to be liable for all uses of your user name and password, including unauthorized use without your consent and you acknowledge that the Owner shall not be responsible to confirm the actual identity or authority of any user. Instructions provided pursuant to such user name and password shall constitute sufficient authority to the Owner to execute any transactions directed thereunder.

You agree to notify the Owner immediately should the confidentiality of your user name and password be in jeopardy.

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